Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's Almost Christmas!

Well as I look out the window I can see the sunshine. It feels so good after the ice storm and the snow storm we had last week. We lost electricity, heat and telephones on Tuesday morning about 2 a.m. and then lost water about 5 p.m. on Wednesday. We spent Wednesday night thru Friday morning with my brother. We got home to a warm house and even had cable TV but no phones. We were under a boil order for the water until yesterday evening. We got telephones on Saturday and they finished up repairing the telephones today. I can receive faxes now and use my own phone line to get on the internet. We have a lot of trees and limbs down but they will be cleaned up in time. Things are beginning to look up again.

I am finally getting in the Christmas Spirit. Even with it almost 45 degrees outside we still have some snow.You can hear the Christmas Carols being sung over the loud speaker up town. The sound drifts down to us and is so peaceful. That is one of the things I like about Christmas here in town. I am just about done with all of my Christmas Orders. I have several to get shipped out but they will go tomorrow.

Saturday we will be getting together with my son, Jason, Brianna, and Felicia. They will come that morning for presents and breakfast. At noon my brother and sister-in-law and maybe part of their family will be here for presents and dinner. It will be so nice to have everyone here again. There have been several years go by that they haven't come up. We went to my brother's house instead. Well I better go and get busy wrapping presents.

Here is a new recipe for a breakfast dish. I am going to make it along with cinnamon rolls for our breakfast on Saturday.

Unbeatable Christmas Brunch Frittata
Allow about 20-30 minutes for this tasty, 6-serving holiday treat
8 eggs
1/2 c. shredded cheese
2 Tbs. butter
2 c. chopped red and green peppers
1/4 c. chopped green onions
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Beat together eggs, salt and pepper. Fold in shredded cheese and set aside. Melt butter over medium heat in a 10 inch skillet that's both ovenproof and nonstick. Add green onions (setting aside a pinch for garnish) and peppers. Saute' until tender. Pour eggs over peppers and onions. Cover and cook it over a medium-low heat for about 9 minutes. Make sure the eggs are set(look for a lightly brown bottom). Turn oven on to broil. Move the frittata from stovetop to oven and broil top about 5 inches from the heat until lightly browned.
I am going to add some cooked bacon and maybe a little chopped up ham. It is also suggested to serve with sausage patties.
Here's hoping that you have a Very Merry Christmas and also a safe Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Sandra! I'm glad to hear things are thawing in your part of the world.

Your frittata sounds like my kind of meal. Enjoy your Christmas and stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. It hasn't been fun here for a week or so but things are slowly getting back to normal. It's supposed to be up to 50 degrees today and then we are supposed to have another snow storm coming in tonight and tomorrow.
I have had fun posting but I know that I have missed a lot of the days.
Thank you for this project. I checked some of the keywords I had used and my blog came up on the first or second page.
Have a Very Merry Christmas!