Have you ever wanted a piece of pie but didn't want to bake a 9 or 10 inch pie for yourself. Besides having a whole pie is too tempting for me. I came upon an idea of making a Mini Pie. I was given this idea by another cook. She makes pot pies in muffin tins. They are perfect for one person and a good way of using leftover vegetables. Back to the Mini Pies. I only use fresh or frozen fruit. Roll out the crust and cut to fit a muffin tin. The picture above showes an apple pie with lattice for the top crust. I usually use a large round cookie cutter to make the top crust and a larger cookie cutter to make the bottom crust. I fill the bottom crust with fresh fruit or frozen fruit, add sugar and cinnamon if desired. Bake for 15 or 20 minutes at 350 degrees, depending on your oven. You can use cute cookie cutters for the top crust if desired. These make great gifts for parents or grandparents.